IIT Ropar develops air nano bubble technology that can reduce water usage in textile sector by 90%
The Indian Institute of Technology, Ropar has developed an innovative green technology that can reduce the usage of water in the textile sector by up to 90%. The air nano bubble dispersed in water can reduce the water consumption and chemical dosage by 90-95%, saving 90-95% of the energy consumption. This technology can be used for fabric preparation, dyeing, finishing chemicals, desizing, scouring, bleaching, and mercerising. The technology is based on nano bubbles of air and ozone, which interact better than water with the fabric and distribute chemicals and dyes in the fabric much more efficiently than just water. Ozone nano bubbles efficiently remove extra dye during fabric wash and degrade the dye in the water.
Nano bubble serves as a carrier for the processing chemical and reduces the extra chemical required. This patented technology helps in maintaining its real colour for outdoor usage, obtaining 2-D effects, easy care, water repelling, and softening of fabric. IIT Ropar has developed the eco-friendly technology under a start-up named NanoKriti Pvt Limited, which is also working towards cleaning environment and developing new applications ranging from water treatment to healthcare.